Engineering:TCON 04 07 2005

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Home < Engineering:TCON 04 07 2005


  1. Image Orientation Update (Lorensen)
  2. How to flag algorithm code as 'pre-publication' so that users know to contact the authors before publishing results using the algorithm (topic suggested by Ron)
  3. Update on Core 1 groups: DTI, fMRI, Shape Analysis and the help they will need from Core 2 at the summer week in Boston (Tina)

Meeting Notes: Attendees: Bill, Mike, Steve, Jim, Xiaodong, Dan, Tina, Andy, Luis, Ron

  1. Image Orientation Update (Bill and Jim): concerned about perfomance hit of going between pixel location and world coordinate systems. Luis had suggested looking into meta template programming. Turns out to be as fast as with hand unrolled loops. Ended up using Expression Templates. Speedups on MS compiler were quite good, Borland compiler weren't as good. Working on getting timing results. Physical to index coordinate conversion is much faster than index to physical -- need to figure out why this is happening. Details on the ITK page (can we put in a link here?)
  2. NAMIC Sandbox (Luis, Bill, Steve). Andy and Luis will be set up a strawman and finalize it before the programming week. Will set up DART2 with it. Want this to be on a branch off the CVS release. Will it use subversion? Also, do we need two separate sandboxes -- one for engineering and one for algorithms core? Will try the strawman for a month, and then finalize what to do for core 1.
  3. "Pre-publication" Mechanism for software(Ron, Bill, Luis): Perhaps add an "Unpublished Macro" that could be used in constructors (for example), along with information about the author etc. Luis to put this up on the wiki for ITK. Slicer has a visual mechanism for ack this.
  4. Programming week: June 27th in Boston. Likely MIT, but location TBD. There will be two types of projects (1) supporting core 1 projects for fmri, dti, shape and (2) continuing to build engineering infrastructure.
  1. Pipeline (Mike, Bill): will have pipeline modules for all ITK exercises by next week. Mike to connect with Jason about about grid infrastructure.

Action Items

  1. Create a Wiki page for the NAMIC Software Process : Done ! click here
  2. Create sandbox CVS/Subversion repository Started... click here
  3. Create UnpublishedMacro() in order to warn about code from unpublished work
    1. Warning to add in code of unpublished work
  4. Progress on image orientation
  5. Update on the programmer's retreat on June, Boston: