Liver RFA project mtg 7 30 2008
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Home < Liver RFA project mtg 7 30 2008
Georgetown University, ISIS Center, July 30 ~ August 1st, 2008
Attendee: Noby Hata, Haiying Liu, Yaniv Ziv, Patrick Cheng
Day 1
- Update project status.
- Demonstrating Slicer 3.0 semi-auto segmentation and navigation capability
- Showing the existing IGSTK RFA system
- Experiment in DynaCT room (C-arm CT flouro room) to show the work flow of Georgetown system
- Disccusion the integration effort
- In the near term, working on the semi-automatic segmentation of tumor in liver using slicer modules
- Setting up DICOM receiver on the Slicer workstation so it can receive data from DynaCT scanner [Finished by Haiying using DCMTK and tested]
- Ziv will work on a Tracker client application during this meeting (A standard alone application that can talk to different tracking device and send out transform using OpenIGTLink)
- In the long term, implement registration and navigation interface in Slicer
- Integrate the optimization algorithm
<graphviz> digraph G { DICOM->Segmentation->Optimization->Registration->Navigation; [rankdir="LR"] } </graphviz>
Day 2
- Discussion of project road map
- Goals in two years and obstacles
- Fully integrated system. Using Slicer 3.0 as front end, implement segmentation and navigation in Slicer, integrate optimization, and talk to IGSTK tracker client using OpenIGTLink
- Major components in place. Slicer 3.0 need improvement in performance
- Action item for the 1 year
- Animal study in summer 09
- Provide IGSTK-OpenIGTLink application
- Provide a thorough documentation page on how to setup the Slicer-RFA, detailed step-by-step guide for user
- Publications
- Segmentation
- Using CT image (Georgetown has liver data base and segmented the liver, need to segment ribs and vascular tree)
- Sota working on the segmentation using slicer, identify the problems and tackle/present them in the NCIGT workshop next January
- Goals in two years and obstacles
Action Items
- IGSTK-OpenIGTLink client and tutorial [Finish before next meeting in Boston, Dec 2008]
- Process all liver image in the data base.
- Run the segmented data through optimization and compare the planning results between different doctors and optimization. Publish 1 paper out of this study
- Publish results on animal study: validation of the RFA study is big problem
- Sota will segment 3~5 cases using Slicer and pass the results through optimization. Identify the limitation in Slicer segmentation method
- Implement IGSTK navigation interface in Slicer