Mbirn: AcuBIRN

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Home < Mbirn: AcuBIRN


- Scanning Paradigm Description

 please include type of imaging (e.g. fMRI, M/EEG, etc.)

- Scan acquisition specifics (TR/TE etc.)

- Experimental Acupuncture Naive (Y/N)

- Clinical Acupuncture Naive (Y/N)

- Subject Type

 e.g. healthy adults, carpal tunnel syndrome, low back pain, etc.

- If Longitudinal, Details regarding Clinical Treatment

 e.g. total number of treatments, length of treatments, acupoint protocol etc.

- Between or within groups design

- Acupoints Used

- Rationale for Acupoint Selection

- Needle Depth

 please include method of monitoring

- Needle Description

 please include diameter in mm, orientation (e.g. oblique, perpendicular), manufacturer,
 material, coating

- Needle Stimulation Type (e.g. laser, manual, electro, moxa)

 if manual, please include: form (e.g. lift+thrust, twisting)
 if electro, please include: frequency (fixed or dense-disperse),
                             amplitude (variable/fixed for subjects)

- Needle Retention Time

 note: differs by scanning protocol

- Sensations Elicited

 please include how sensations were monitored

- Experience of Acupuncturist

- Control Intervention

 please include description, blinding, credibility

- Other

Working Group Membership

  • Vitaly Napadow, PhD
  • Hugh MacPherson, PhD
  • Randy Gollub, MD PhD
  • Richard Harris, PhD
  • Helene Langevin, MD

if you are interested in joining, send email to vitaly at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu