Mbirn: Morphometry BIRN Meeting, May 18 2005, Teleconference

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Morphometry BIRN
Summary Progress Reports from the Core Projects
(Wed May 18, 2005)

Next meeting

  • Wed July 27, 3pm EST
  • Call in numbers: 800.861.4084 Code: 1040119#

Action Items (May 18, 2005)

  • MRI Acquition protocols: AD & JJ will define the details of the morphometry protocol recommendations (1.5T, 3T, Siemens/GE/Philips) and post them up on the BIRN site. These should be reviewed with James MF in the context of the T1 scans he wants to have as part of the Duke multispectral (T2/PD/FLAIR/T1) calibration study (1.5T, 3T, 4T).
  • Distortion corrections: JJ will look at that Philips distortion phantom images (1.5T, 3T) to evaluate if unwarping is needed. If yes, then we should have to continue efforts to obtain the spherical harmonics from Philips. AS will send SM his patch to correct DTI data in Philips.
  • Synchronizing ADNI and BIRN analyses: AD, JJ & BF will meet to decide on the best way for synchronizing analyses streams and correction methods.
  • Sharing data: JJ will check with SM if his DTI calibration data can be shared with NA-MIC for software analysis/visualization developing and integration purposes.
  • VETSA-BIRN collaboration:
    • SP, AD and JF will coordinate periodic weekly meetings to review progress and work plans for VETSA-BIRN work. The group will asign one of their participants to post each meeting's outcomes on the wiki pages Active Collaborations. First tentative meeting was proposed for this Mon May 23, 4pm EST.
    • AD will provide to JF the co-registered T1-DTI data within the next 2 weeks
    • This group will review and propose to what extent, with BIRN funding, we should focus on validation issues that still remain largely unsolved by the general diffusion community.
    • This group will also review the phased approach that will be used for distributing the atlas(es) generated, and constrains if any.
  • BIRN Efforts to Localize lesions (BELL) project: By mid June SP and JM will have SM's 30-subject atlas in ICBM coordinates. The rate limiting step for deciding target deliverables for Oct 2005 in this project will be the # of Duke subjects we decide to include from the ~1,200 that are available. SP, SM and JM will review what Duke data subset could be both managable and scientifically interesting (publication?) for a complete analysis in a time frame of 3.5 months (starting with the atlas and the unregistered data around mid-June).
  • Core 2 Oct 2005 deliverables: SP will help JJ update this item below before the end the month
  • Feedback on this meeting: please send JJ comments/suggestions for
    • How can we make this mBIRN PI meeting more productive next time?
    • Which important BIRN topics we missed to address?

Meeting Agenda (Wed May 18, 2005)

  • Review progress on Technology Developments and Application Cases (see below for updates)
    • Focus on deliverables for Oct 2005, in particular those that will be available outside BIRN
  • Review any potential budget issues (no time to address)
  • Review plans beyond Oct 2005 (e.g., non-MRI imaging, non-brain imaging?) (no time to address)
  MGH: B. Rosen, R. Gollub, D. Kennedy, S. Murphy, J. Jovicich
  BWH: S. Pieper
  JHU: M. Miller, A. Kolasny
  UCSD: A. Dale
  Duke: A. Song
  BIRN CC: J. Grethe

Mid May 2005 Updates

    • Finalize recommendations for MRI acquisition protocols that support morphometry
    • Coordinate BIRN-DUP upload/download scripts

More meeting materials are in Mbirn: Meetings and Conferences