NAMIC-Dartmouth-2b12g-Volume Protocol File

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Home < NAMIC-Dartmouth-2b12g-Volume Protocol File

# This line is the label that tells the code that this is a pattern file


# Enter a new pattern in the following order

# Name NoOfGradients FirstGradient LastGradient FirstBaseLine LastBaseLine Lebihan GradientDirections

12 3 14 1 2 800 {"-0.8238094 -0.4178235 -0.3830949" "-0.5681645 0.5019867 -0.6520725" "0.4296590 0.1437401 0.8914774" "-0.0482123 0.6979894 0.7144833" "0.8286872 -0.0896669 -0.5524829" "0.9642489 -0.2240180 0.1415627" "-0.1944068 0.9526976 -0.2336092" "0.1662157 0.6172332 -0.7690224" "-0.3535898 -0.9178798 -0.1801968" "-0.7404186 -0.5774342 0.3440203" "-0.2763061 0.0476582 0.9598873" "0.6168819 -0.7348858 -0.2817793"} VOLUME