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<< OpenIGTLink

Three Approaches

Implement by yourself

Use simple C code (igtlutil)

  • The code provides C structures for the generic header, image header and transform header, and supporting functions to create a message packet.
  • Suitable for applications written in C and C++
  • If you just copy the source files into your source directory, you never have library link issue.

Use the Open IGT Link Library

  • The library supports
    • Classes to create Open IGT Link message
    • TCP/IP Socket
    • Thread and Mutex useful to make server program
  • The library instruction is available on the Open IGT Link Library page.

Features From scratch igtlutil Open IGT Link Library
Language Any C (can be included in C++ codes) C++
Platform Any Where ANSI C compiler is available Windows, Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X
Generic Header - Yes Yes
Transform - Yes Yes
Image - Yes Yes
Endian Conversion - Yes Yes
CRC Calculation - Yes Yes
Socket - - Yes
Thread & Mutex - - Yes