Home < Project Week 25 < Tracked-Ultrasound-Standardization-IVBack to Projects List
Key Investigators
- Simon Drouin (Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada)
- Andras Lasso (Queen's University, Canada)
- Csaba Pinter (Queen's University, Canada)
- Ole Vegard Solberg (SINTEF, Norway)
- Etienne Leger (Applied Perception Lab, Concordia University, Canada )
- Longquan Chen (electronically) (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA)
- Adam Rankin (electronically) (Robarts Research Institute, Canada)
Project Description
Approach and Plan
Progress and Next Steps
- Plus toolkit provides access to numerous hardware devices (imaging devices, tracking devices, navigations systems, sensors, etc.) and makes it available through OpenIGTLink protocol
- Create a common library, OpenIGTLinkIO that makes communication with Plus (and OpenIGTLink-compatible devices or software) very simple:
- Ensure software interoperability
- Share software maintenance workload
- Make it easy to share new features
- Add specific features for tracked ultrasound and and augmented reality in surgical navigation
- Improve message header sent by Plus Toolkit for US machines(Ole Vegar, Simon)
- Build a complete US session simulation (OpenIGTLinkIO motifs, Plus config, Automated tests) (Ole Vega, Simon)
- Add missing functionality in OpenIGTLinkIO to complete reintegration in OpenIGTLinkIF (Simon, Longquan )
- Improve support to launch Plus server remotely (Csaba + Andras)
- Adapt OpenIGTLinkIO to handle video compression functionality added to OpenIGTLink (Etienne + Longquan + Adam)
- Progress in OpenIGTLinkIO (changes in branch on SINTEF's fork of OpenIGTLinkIO )
- Simplified handling of command messages in OpenIGTLinkIO.
- US parameters are now in the header of each image header.
- Created a US simulation session where 2 parameters (depth and frequency) of the US machine can be remotely controlled. (TODO: put file here)
- Added support for video streaming (including compression) in OpenIGTLinkIO (Lonquan, remotely). Changes are in Longquan's fork master branch.
- Remote change of ultrasound parameters. Topic branch: https://github.com/cpinter/PlusLib/tree/set-us-parameters-command
- New command to Plus called vtkPlusSetUsParameterCommand
- Received command is propagated to the ultrasound device and parameter change is requested
- Example command syntax: <Command Name="SetFrequencyMhz" ParameterDoubleValue="4" /> (Parameter argument not final)
- Next step
- Polish code and merge SINTEF's and Longquan's master branch for OpenIGTLinkIO and Csaba's topic branch in Plus.
- Add support (both in Plus and OpenIGTLinkIO) for automatic probing of US machine capabilities and settable parameters.
- Finish the work on remote Plus server launch.
- Build an auto-populated GUI to control US machine in OpenIGTLinkIO. GUI is populated according to parameters recovered from probing US machine remotely
Remote change of ultrasound imaging parameters:
Click image to see animation
Progress of the project during past project weeks:
Background and References