Projects:ARRA:SlicerEM Meeting 08092010

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  • Midterm meeting / Group work with Kilian to address possible issues


  • Kilian Pohl
  • Sebastien Barre (Available over the phone)
  • Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin
  • Julien Finet
  • Danielle Pace


As of today::

  • 8.30am: Kilan@RDU airport
  • 9.15am: Kilian@Carrboro
  • Grab coffee@weaver street market then breakfast in conference room
  • 9.30 - 12: Meeting / Discuss eventual problems
  • Lunch with Danielle, Julien and Myself - Panzanella ?
  • 1 - 5pm: Open / Group work


  • Review all the panels and associated porting strategy
  • WorkflowManager overview
  • Python scripting overview
  • Which TCL code should be ported to C++ ?

Meeting Notes

  - Review main slicerEM page, add more information

  - Should provide a high-level and a low-level API
  - The High-level API should be very simple
  - All method related to QState should be protected.
  - Add a method lastStep()
  - Make sure it's possible to configure step (Test associated with button, should Next be enabled)
  - Remove any UI related function from CTKCore
  - Review API to eview API validateForward / validateBackward / enter / exit 
  - Model or TreeWidget : It resumes using QModel will be esier on the long term and will make 
  interaction management eaiser.
  - Would be a plus to display attributes in the tree itself (class weight, update button, ...)
  - What about  model hierachy node: they didn't exist when EMSegmenter was created.

  - There is not need to focus on that widget. It will be part of the SlicerQt port effort.

Print and Advanced:
  - There is no need to port.
Stop Conditions:
  - Spinbox or slider could be used. Iteration range of 1 to 20 is a reasonable choice.
  - Bias iteration: -1 / 0 => never done / 2 every two iterations
     MFA: Mean field approx - Smoothing labels ... 

Intensity distribution:
  - add matrix widget for covariance matrix

Working directory:
  - Use  ctkWorkingDirectoryButton

  - No a priority. Let's wait the DisplayableManager and InteractionNode framework is stable.

Progress report:
  - No a priority - Part of the SlicerQt port effort. Open question

  vtkImageCurveRegion (vtkSourceImage)
        Set mean, set coveriance, scaling, ... 
        => Calculates values
   ------> vtkImageGraph:  AddCurveRegion
               -> Generate image from Arrays (Fixed number of point)
                      |-----> vtkImageDrawObjects -> Input(BG)
                                 -> AddObjects=>lines
  Histogram: CumulateImage

  GenerateGraph: 1 or 3 only

 - DrawContinuousLine
 - No need to waste time on the logic behind the graph

 - Long term: Atlas generation / 4D vis ...