SDIWG:Meeting Minutes 20090320

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NCBC Joint Working Group Meeting

Top page of SDIWG web site


Friday March 20, 2009: 2:30-3:30 PM EST
Please contact Peter Lyster for information Peter Lyster
SDIWG Meetings Page
Save the date for the next SDWIG tcon/Connect, three months from now: Friday June 20, 2009

Tcon Agenda


  • Note taker: [Suggested order of note takers for future meetings: Aris Floratos (this one); Schroeder, Joy Ku; Rubin; Jags, Dinov, Murphy]
  • Review of September 19, 2008 Minutes
  • Attendees:

Karin Remington - Update on Common Fund

  • Majority of common fund reserved for new submissions. Administrative/competitive revision supplements will be handled on an ad-hoc basis, a smaller portion of the common fund will go there. This in addition to the stimulus $$$ to be handed out by individual ICs.
  • In response to a question by Andrea Califano if one could submit a supplement for 50% of a Center's budget, Karin said that she will inquire about specifics but that 50% seemed rather on the high side of what would/could be supported. The point was also made that there is a single pool of money for both supplement types (admin/competitive) and that competitive supplements are appropriate only in case of expanding work scope.
  • In terms of timelines, there is a good chance that there will be additional calls or supplements, in addition to the one in the recent RFA. Centers that wish to pursue supplements should discuss their proposals with their program officer, who needs to sign off to supplement requests. In the context of such conversations it is appropriate to inquire if the program officer's IC would be willing to pick up the supplemet funding (instead of having the $$$ come from the Common Fund).
  • Regarding the NCBC re-competition, the application submission deadline will probably be sometime in September-October.

Andrea Califano - Update on DBP WG

  • Update of WG calls. Agreed to create an interactive DBP-ome. Provide info on projects, tools, publications, interactions, etc. Points of contact have been defined at the various Centers to collect data and develop sw. A web site (similar to that developed by the yellow-pages WG) will be created soon.
  • Another initiative agreed upon is to have a web site to publish movies of seminars that take place in the various institutes. Lyster/Athey commented that the site could also be used to post other related talks, e.g., those from Valerie Florance's seminars series.
  • (Cavacoli). He sent a message earlier today about the info needed for the DBP-ome. People are responding rapidly. He expects him and Zhong Li to start working on the collected data. Also, mentioned that NCIBI has a software for sharing seminar movies, we can maybe use that.

Beth Kirschner - Biosite maps

  • The biosite map site is complete. All needed search/browsing functionality is complete. Next step is populating with content about various Center tools.
  • (Athey): can this be used to catalogue the software tools in the 38 CTSAs (Besich and him are spearheading)? Beth said yes, and that they are working on this with the CTSA program.
  • (Lyster): a number of other NIH programs are interested in adopting the biosite maps. He said he will be contacting Center contacts to initiate the process of adding content.

Scientific Ontologies

  • (Athey): The bioontologies draft has been sent to Mark Musen who plans to review it shortly.

Joy Ku - Dissemination

  • Talked about the calendar on the site, listing the various Center events. Described the Web GUI and how it can be used to acquire information about the various events. The idea is that each Center will appoint a contact person that will be responsible for updating their portion of the calendar.


  • (Musen): talked about an effort spearheaded in coordination with W3 for defining standard terms that can be used to annotate medical info on the web. One day workshop on April 29 (pior to the BioIT meeting) to look at this issue.
  • (Lyster): also mentioned a couple of other meetings related to bioontologies. There was a discussion if the calendar could use a "general purpose" category to capture such interesting but non-Center specific events.
  • (Ku): there is a Symbios page that lists notes from a recent meeting with NCBO, where they discussed efforts for coordinating dissemination efforrts. There was general agreement for an effort similar to the DBP group, where Centers work together to promote the coordinated dissemination of the NCBC products.

Action Items

  • TBD