SDIWG:Meeting Minutes 20100219

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NCBC Joint Working Group Meeting

Top page of SDIWG web site


Friday February 19, 2010: 2:30-3:30 PM EST
Please contact Peter Lyster for information Peter Lyster
SDIWG Meetings Page
Save the date for the next SDWIG tcon/Connect, three months from now: May 21, 2010

Tcon DRAFT Agenda


  • Note taker: [Suggested order of note takers for future meetings: Jags (this one), Dinov (next one), Murphy, Ku, Schroeder, Floratos, Rubenson]
  • Review of November 20, 2009 Minutes
  • Attendees:

Mark Musen Peter Good Peter Lyster Ivo Dinov Aaron Bookvich Anne Menkens Aris Floratos Csongor David Rubenson Jeanette Jeassie Tenenbaum Joy Ku K P Unnikrishnan Karen Skinner Kevin Smith Krishna (NIH) Nanwei Cao Sonia Pujol Steve Pieper Zhong Li Zohara Cohen

Briefly: Ivo Dinov presented LONI from UCLA. He illustrated the LONI pipeline, including the graphical interface. He showed how tools can be integrated via LONI using simple extensions of biositemaps. This was followed by a brief presentation and discussion on NCBC Dissemination and shared calendar.

Action Items

  • TBD