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Key Investigators

  • University of Heidelberg: Martin Loepprich MS
  • MIT CSAIL: Sylvain Jaume PhD
  • Harvard Medical School: Andriy Fedorov PhD, Ron Kikinis MD


Skull Stripping is a 3D image processing technique to mask out non-brain areas in MRI images. Skull Stripping is often required before applying a segmentation technique such as the EM Segmentation. We are developing a Skull Stripping module in Slicer3 that will be able to work both on human MRIs and on monkey MRIs. This project is in collaboration with the NA-MIC project for the investigation of Alcohol Stress Interaction using monkey MRI images by Andriy Fedorov (BWH), Xiaoxing Li (VT) and Chris Wyatt (VT).

Approach, Plan

Our module, called SkullStripper, is based on the work of the NA-MIC consortium done by Snehashis Roy (JHU), Xiaodong Tao (GE) and Nicole Aucoin (BWH). First we will perform a comparison study of the Slicer3 module SkullStripper and the FSL Brain Extraction Tool (BET).



  • NA-MIC Project Week Skull Stripping June 2009, Boston
  • FSL Brain Extraction Tool BET
  • Analysis and validation of automated skull stripping tools: A validation study based on 296 MR images from Honolulu Asia aging study, S.W. Hartley, A.I. Scher, E.S.C. Korf, L.R. White and L.J. Launer
  • A joint registration and segmentation approach to skull stripping, Aaron Carass, M. Bryan Wheeler, Jennifer Cuzzocreo, Pierre-Louis Bazin, Susan S. Bassett and Jerry L. Prince ISBI 2007.