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Home < DBP:Harvard:Software:Minutes:11-9-05

Agenda for 11-9-05 Meeting

  1. Software Testing, DTMRI module
    • Any updates for NRRD headers/caseD20? (Raul)
    • Gordon: NRRD headers for recent EPI scan?
      • Want to show images (from emails)?
      • Also, want to discuss new scan parameters mentioned over emails?
  2. Corpus Callosum Diffusion Measures
    • We are currently examining differences between old/new labelmaps, etc.
    • It does not appear to be a DICOM issue, but we will check.
    • More details on this next week.
  3. Smoothing of Corpus Callosum Fibers
    • Has anyone met about smoothing?
  4. Lauren: Fiber clustering, backtracking to corpus labelmap?
    • Appears to be available in Slicer, so we need to test it on a few cases.
      • Would it be better to test clustering on smoothed data?
    • Limiting factor appears to be speed of clustering.
  5. Cingulum Bundle Fiber Tracking
    • See examples of labelmaps here.
    • We've been testing Raul's "2ROI" Module here.


  1. FiberViewer testing: measure FA/trace along one fiber, and compare with Marc's Matlab scripts/output
  2. Mark & Sylvain, work on getting sagittal DTI onto NAMIC for UNC