2010 Winter Project Week DTI Breakout Session
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Home < 2010 Winter Project Week DTI Breakout Session
- Overview of the DTI analysis tools and activities within NA-MIC and NCIGT, discussion of ongoing DTI project developments in relationship to 3D Slicer tools
- NA-MIC DTI Analysis Tools and Algorithms ( Sonia Pujol)
- Clinical Research Application Examples
- Neurosurgical Planning (Lauren O'Donnell)
- Autism Research ( Tom Fletcher)
- Winter 2010 DTI Projects Presentations
- Discussion ( Guido Gerig, Sonia Pujol)
- Sonia Pujol, Harvard Medical School
- Lauren O'Donnell, Harvard Medical School. DTI Research Projects in Image-Guided Therapy
- Alex Yarmakovich, Isomics Inc.
- Guido Gerig, Utah
- Project developers interested in learning about existing NA-MIC DTI resources, in order to discuss where the new tools would fit into a workflow
- Winter 2010 DTI projects:
- Integration of Real Spherical Harmonic basis for HARDI models (Luke Bloy, C-F Westin)
- Filtered tractography (James Malcolm, Peter Savadjiev, Yogesh Rathi, C-F Westin, Casey Goodlett)
- Connectivity Study of Neonatal Brain Data using HARDI Techniques ( Yundi(Wendy) Shi, Deepika Mahalingam, Martin Styner )
- Tractography Picking and Bundle Editing (Jim Miller, Mahnaz Maddah, Nicole Aucoin, Wendy Plesniak, James Malcolm, Alex Yarmarkovich)
- DTI Fiber-Tract Statistics (Anuja Sharma, Guido Gerig)
- Tractography using DTI Atlasing (Gopalkrishna Veni, Ross Whitaker, Sarang Joshi)
- DTI Quality Control tools integration with NITRC (Hans Johnson, UNC)
- Stochastic Tractography module in Slicer 3.5 (Andrew Rausch)
- Wednesday January 6, 10:30 am - 11:30 am
- Location: Amethyst 1