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Home < FBIRN:retreat2006

General Information

The meeting will be held at the Beckman Center of the National Academy of Sciences in Irvine on March 13 and 14, with specific subgroup meetings on the evening of Sunday March 12. Please see http://www7.nationalacademies.org/beckman/Beckman_Directions_Parking.html

Shuttle information will be forthcoming.


Here is the registration link for the FBIRN All-hands Meeting:


Hotel Information

The hotel that we have a block of rooms offered at a UCI discount rate of $149 per night is the Fairmont Newport Beach, at 4500 MacArthur Blvd, Irvine, CA, within a block or two of John Wayne Airport. The telephone number is 949-476-2001, and there is a 1-800 number as well. The block name is UC Irvine FBIRN AHM (you may have to spell that). If they can't find it, refer to UC Irvine Brain Imaging Center too.

Rooms must be booked by February 24th to receive the discounted rate.

Shuttle times

Service between the Beckman Center and the Fairmont Hotel

Monday, March 13th: From the Fairmont to the Beckman: 7:40 am, 8:00 am, 8:30 am From the Beckman to the Fairmont: 6:30 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 8:30 pm

Tuesday, March 14th: From the Fairmont to the Beckman: 7:40 am, 8:00 am, 8:30 am From the Beckman to the Fairmont: 5:00 pm, 5:30 pm, 5:45 pm


If not otherwise specified, meet in the 'Huntington Room'.


Agenda for March 13-14 meeting:


  • FIPS Expert Users meeting at the hotel (FBIRN AHM conference room #1), 7 pm-ish
    • Current plan:
  1. Go thru the analysis details of FIPS as it currently stands. The hope is to educate the power users so that they can take some of the load off of Doug when changes need to be made or people have questions.
  2. Figure out the best way to interact with a real data base to make it easier to perform higher level analyses
  3. Establish *concrete* goals for the next 6 mo. This should include initial discussions of opening fips up to other analyses/formats.
  • ** Attending: D.Greve, R. Notestine, C. F-Notestine, A. Grethe, G. Brown, D. M-Fuentes, S. Gadde, B. Mueller
  • Cognitive/Clinical discussion: Current issues in Sz and fMRI studies, at the hotel (FBIRN AHM conference room #2), 7 pm
    • Attending: J. Ford, G. McCarthy, J. Turner, C. Wible, D. O'Leary, K. Lim (poss), J. Lauriello, A. Belger (by phone)
    • Current Agenda:

Monday and Tuesday

For the official meeting agenda, please download it here:

Monday AM (starting at 8:45 am)

Overview by working group

  • 9:45-10:15 (Greg/Hal) Statistical highlights and plans
  • 10:30-10:45 Coffee break
  • 10:50-11:10 (Doug) Image processing highlights and plans
  • 11:20-11:50 (Greg M) Cognitive highlights and plans
  • 11:50-12:10 (David/Steve) Neuroinformatics updates and plans

Monday PM

  1. Neuroinformatics Session (Back Bay Room)
  2. Statistics Session (Huntington Room)
    1. 1 to 2 pm: Modeling Large Scale Neural Systems (Guest: Barry Horwitz, phone meeting; Moderators: Sandy Wells)
      1. Barry's slides are here: Horwitz FBIRN PowerPoint
      2. and the movie Brainimag.mov
      3. Notes from this discussion here:Horwitz Q&A
    2. 2:15 to 3:15 pm: Calibration discussion
      1. More on SFNR: Lee's slides are here: Slides
      2. Notes from this discussion here:Friedman Q&A
    3. 3:30 to 4:30 pm: Tom Nichols: Identifying Robust Activation in fMRI
      1. Slides here: NicholsMar2006.ppt
      2. Notes from this discussion here: Nichols Q&A
      3. Article on FWE: Nichols & Hayasaka 2003
      4. Article on modeling multisubject data: Mumford & Nichols 2006
      5. Article on differencing ASL data: Mumford_ASL manuscript
  3. Cognitive Session (Emerald Bay Room)
    1. Notes from this discussion here: Cognitive WG Notes
  • Group discussion 4:30-5:15
  • Reception and Dinner

Tuesday AM (starting at 8:30 am)

  1. EAB meeting
  2. FIPS demo
  3. Usability Testing
  4. Cognitive, Clinical, Calibration discussion re: Step 2 timeline
    1. Notes from the discussion here:Clinical plans Session (Huntington)
  5. Stats and Neuroinformatics: Data mining preparations
    1. Notes from discussion here: Data Mining notes

Tuesday PM

  1. EAB response EAB notes here
  2. Neuroinformatics Session
  3. Stats, Calibration, Cognitive, Clinical discussion: Roadmap development
    1. Calibration incorporation
    2. Pipeline development
    3. Notes here First Roadmap discussion
    4. Pipeline development notes Second Roadmap discussion
  4. Final session: Timelines Overview

For More Information


Jessica Turner turnerj@uci.edu

Liv C. Trondsen liv@uci.edu