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NA-MIC organizes a variety of events. The engineering core holds a weekly telephone conference. Workshops address specific research focus areas. Training events aim at training NA-MIC participants and outsiders in NA-MIC technologies. Project weeks are intended for making progress in a variety of projects. The majority of NA-MIC events are hands-on and open to collaborators and interested scientists. | Example of a Training Event | |
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The Munich 2008 training workshop in full swing. For more information about the workshop, click here. |
Telephone Conferences
Upcoming Events
- September 5, 2008: OpenIGTLink Workshop: Workshop at MICCAI 2008, New York City
- September 10, 2008: Interfacing third-party software with the NA-MIC Kit: Tutorial at MICCAI 2008, New-York City
- September 10, 2008: Prostate image analysis and computer-assisted intervention: Workshop at MICCAI 2008, New-York City
- October 15-16, 2008: NA-MIC kit training event at Robarts Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada
- December 1, 2008: Tutorial at RSNA, RSNA conference website
- December 8-12, 2008:IGT Hands-on Project Week, Boston
- January 5-9, 2009, AHM, EAB, Winter Project Week
- January 8, 2009: Tutorial Contest: announcement of the winners.
Standing Events
- A list of all upcoming and past teleconferences is available here.
- Hands on Project Events
- Slicer developer meetings are here.
Past Events
- September 3, 2008: Slicer Training in Stanford
- September 6, 2008: Segmentation in the Clinic Challenge: Workshop at MICCAI 2008, New-York City
- August 21-22, 2008: Visit by WashU Developers to Boston for Discussions of XND
- August 15, 2008: August 15 2008, NA-MIC Workshop at NCI
- August 13-14, 2008: August 13-14 2008, NCBC all hands meeting
- July 30 - August 1, 2008: RFA Interventional Experiment at Georgetown University
- August 1, 2008: Planning tcon for XNAT Desktop Slicer interface
- Steve Pieper presented NA-MIC and Slicer Module development at the IPAM MBI Summer School (Slides)
- July 10 or 11, 2008: Slicer Introduction to Princess Margaret Hospital
- July 23, 2008: Slicer IGT Integration with Brainlab via VVLink
- June 23-27, 2008: Summer Project Week
- June 26, 2008: June 26, 2008, 4pm, Tumor Growth Model Software Demo at SPL
- June 16-17, 2008: Training Event in Germany
- May 21, 2008: Core 1 UNC & Utah Technical Meeting about DTI tool development at Utah
- May 22-23, 2008: Cores 1-3 Technical Meeting at Utah
- March - June, 2008: Slicer IGT training for graduate students at SJTU, Shanghai, China (every Thursday 10 am - noon)
- May 21, 2008: Kilian Pohl presented on segmentation tools in 3D Slicer at the Division of Medical and Biological Informatics, DKFZ, Germany ( Slides)
- Noon, May 12, 2008: Brigham and Women's Hospital, First Monday Seminar Talk given by Drs. Ichiro Sakuma and Nassir Navab
- May 8, 2008: Conference Call to Explore Collaboration with Adam Wittek, UWA Perth
- May 2, 2008: Nobuhiko Hata's talk at Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- April 14, 2008: Full day Slicer 3 Users and Plug-in Workshop hosted by UNC-Chapel Hill faculty
- April 7, 2008: 2008 Dr. David Hawkes of UCL's visit to SPL
- March 31- Apr 11, 2008: 2008 Dr. Platel's, IGT grp leader from Technical University Eindhoven, to SPL
- March 24-27, 2008: 2008 Engineering review at Utah
- March 19, 2008: Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST), Lecture on Interventional MRI by Hata, Kikinis, HST 563
- March 12, 2008: Steve Pieper presented on the NA-MIC Kit and 3D Slicer at the Johns Hopkins CISST ( Slides)
- March 10-11, 2008: IGI Workshop, Rockville, MD
- Discussion of NA-MIC Kit for Cardiac EP with BIDMC.
- February 20th, 2008, Spring 2008 Slicer3 User Training Workshop at the SPL 1249 Boylston St, Boston
- February 5-7, 2008, Slicer3 Mini-Retreat, Boston
- January 7-11, 2008, AHM, EAB, Winter Project Week
- December 12-14, 2007, Slicer IGT Programming Event
- Nov 2, 2007: Third Annual Open Source Workshop at MICCAI
- October 14-20, 2007, Robert Israel Collaboration Visit to SPL
- 2007 October 16-17: BIRN AHM Query Atlas and Qdec interfaces in Slicer 3 presented at the BIRN AHM.
- See this page for links to QueryAtlas slides, movies and example datasets.
- See this page for links to Qdec slides.
- October 1-2, 2007, Contrasting Tractography Methods Conference, Santa Fe
- September 12, 2007, Engineering End of Summer Meeting
- September 11, 2007, GPU-enabling of NA-MIC Algorithms, Boston
- Aug 21, 2007: UNC DBP Roadmap Tcon
- June 25-29, 2007, Summer Programming/Project Week at MIT
- June 9, 2007, OHBM DTI Training Workshop, Chicago
- June 1, 2007, Pohl Talk at CCB: A Hierarchical Segmentation Algorithm for MR Brain Images
- May 29-31, 2007, Annual Core 1 Workshop, Boston
- April 24 Steve Pieper presented Slicer3 and the NA-MIC Kit to the Medical Physics group at MGH (slides)
- March 29, 30, 2007, Slicer3 Mini-Retreat, Boston
- Feb 21-22 Vince Calhoun from MIND is visiting at MIT and MGH Talk announecement
- Feb 3 and 10, 2007: Iowa ITK Programming Short Course
- Feb 7-8, 2007, Slicer3 Mini-Retreat, Boston
- Jan 29 2007: CFIT NAC P41 2007 Joint Retreat
- 2007-01-16 Core 5, Core 6 Summit
- Jan 10-11-12, 2007: Third All Hands Meeting, EAB, Project Half Week
- 2006 December 12: Slicer3 retreat at Kitware
- November 7-8, 2006: Meshing Collaborator Project Visit to BWH
- November 15, 2006: Usability session with PNL at BWH
- November 1, 2006: NA-MIC Training Workshop at the Harvard Center for Neurodegeneration and Repair, Boston.
- October 26, 2006: New DBP MIND Institute Visit
- October 23-26, 2006 | BIRN All Hands Meeting
- October 19-20 2006, NCIGT and NA-MIC Workshop on Open System Architectures for Image-Guided Therapy
- October 17 2006: Coordination meeting between Core 1 and Core 3 to plan the specifics for the third and last year of the current DBP's
- MICCAI_2006 October 1, 2006: Open Source Workshop at MICCAI 2006, Copenhagen
- September 19-20, 2006 Slicer 3 Update Meeting in Boston
- September 14-15, 2006: We have been invited to participate in NIH Workshop on Standards in Change Measurement. This workshop will potentially set the stage for additional workshops that focus on Image Guided Interventions and Open Source standards.
- Sept-06-2006, 2006 IBMISPS conference: talk by R. Kikinis on FOSS (2006 FOSS Abstract Kikinis)
- July 17-19, 2006, All NCBC All Hands Meeting at NIH
- July 19, 2006: NA-MIC Training Workshop at NLM
- July 13-14, 2006: 2nd IEEE-NLM International Life Science Systems and Applications Workshop, Lister Hill Auditorium, NIH, chaired by Stephen Wong, co-sponsored by IEEE, NLM, and NAMIC
- July 2nd: Ron Kikinis presentation (28MB ppt file) at the The 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Assistance in Diagnosis of Multi-Dimensional Medical Images
- June 26-30, 2006, Summer Programming/Project Week at MIT
- June 8-9, 2006, Georgia Tech visit to UNC: Shape Analysis Discussion
- June 5, 2006, Slicer 3 Retreat
- May 30, 2006 CIMIT Forum with Steve Pieper and Luis Ibanez ( Steve's Slides)( Luis' Slides)
- May 26, 2006 UNC-Chapel Hill NA-MIC DTI Analysis Training Workshop
- May 23-24, 2006: NA-MIC Core 1 meeting at UNC
- May 15 2006: Delphine Nain at the PNL
- May 19, 2006: Steve Pieper and Ron Kikinis Visit to Dartmouth
- April 27, 2006: NA-MIC Training Workshop at NIH
- April 24, 2006 The Human Brain Project: Linking Within and Beyond Natcher Conference Center, NIH Campus, Bethesda, Maryland: National Alliance for Medical Image Computing: Science & Technology of One National Center for Biomedical Computing (this is a slightly modified version of the presentation)
- April 12-13, 2006: James Kennedy and Aristotle Voineskos at the PNL
- April 10-11, 2006: NA-MIC Training Workshop at MIND Institute, New Mexico
- Steve Pieper presented the NA-MIC Kit at ISBI 2006 on April 7, 2006 ( Slides, Paper).
- April 3-4, 2006: Design Review and Work meeting on Slicer3 (alpha1 release)
- Feb 22, 2006: Sylvain Bouix to visit Dartmouth
- Feb 22-24, 2006: Meeting at Kitware to discuss Slicer3 (thurs) and GPU programming (fri)
- Feb 20-23, 2006: IGT and FUS Workshops
- January 24, 2006: HCNR User Training Workshop at the Surgical Planning Lab in Boston
- January 8-13, 2006: The Second All-Hands-Meeting and Programming Event in Salt Lake City, Utah
- December 20, 2005: Marek Kubicki visit to Dartmouth
- December 17, 2005: Jim Fallon from UC Irvine visit to Georgia Tech for work on Rule-Based Segmentation
- December 14, 2005: Andy Saykin and Group visit to Brigham and Women's Hospital
- December 1, 2005 Dartmouth Group Slicer Training Followup at Harvard, 1249 Boylston
- November 27-December 2, RSNA 2005, Chicago: Slicer session at the Open source imaging tools workshop
- November 18 2005: Ramsey Al-Hakim at the PNL
- November 17-18, 2005: John Melonakos at Kitware -- Bayesian Classification Filter addition to ITK
- November 16, 2005: IGT Consortium Kickoff
- November 16, 2005: Jim Fallon and Martina from UC Irvine visit to UNC on DTI tools and clinical projects
- November 15, 2005, noon-5pm: Slicer 3.0 Meeting at SPL, Boston
- ISC and NA-MIC Workshop on Open Source Toolkits, Applications, and their uses in Medical Image Analysis at MICCAI
- October 29, 2005 (Thursday): Informal NA-MIC Lunch at MICCAI, Palm Springs, CA
- October 20, 2005: Slicer Training Workshop, AHM BIRN San Diego, California
- October 5-7, 2005, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland: Advanced ITK and Slicer Workshop
- October 7, 2005, UNC visit at the Psychiatry NeuroImaging Laboratory
- September 30, 2005. User Training Workshop at the SPL on Boylston St, Boston.
- September 26-27-28, 2005. DBP and Engineering Session on Feedback from Programming Week Projects, and Planning the next 6-months
- September 16, 2005. User Training Workshop at MGH.
- August 11 2005 Invited Lecture about NA-MIC.
- July 20, 2005. UNC visit of Georgia Tech for collaborative work on shape and DTI algorithms.
- June 27-July 1, 2005. Programming Week in Boston
- June 22-23, 2005, NCRR/NIBIB PI Meeting
- June 16-19, 2005. Georgia Tech visit of UC-Irvine for collaborative work on anatomically accurate algorithms.
- May 26-27, 2005. User Training and Dissemination Workshop at Dartmouth
- April 21-22, 2005: Andy Saykin visit to Brigham and Women's Hospital and MIT
- March 25, 2005. University of Utah visit of Harvard VA for collaborative work on DTMRI.
- March 21-23,2005: fBIRN Retreat in Irvine with User Tutorials for Slicer, Brains2 Wednesday on March 23
- February 20-22, 2005 AHM in SLC
- February 17-18, 2005 Dissemination Workshop at UCSD
- January 26, 2005. Slicer User Workshop at BWH: Information for Atendees
- January 24-25, 2005. Dissemination Workshop at Agenda, List of Participants, Attendee Feedback
- January 17-18, 2005. First International Imaging Genetics Conference at the Beckman Center of the National Academy of Sciences in Irvine, CA.
- December 9-10, 2004. Dissemination Workshop at SPL, BWH:Agenda, Presentations, List of Participants, Summary,Attendee Feedback
- November 16, 2004. Dissemination Meeting: Agenda, Summary
- October 15, 2004. NA-MIC Kickoff Meeting