Project Week 25

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Home < Project Week 25

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The 25th PROJECT WEEK was held on June 26-30, 2017 in Catanzaro Lido, Italy. It recorded 51 registered attendees, who worked on 26 projects. These attendees represented 22 academic sites: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School (USA), Magna Graecia University (Italy), ASL Vercelli (Italy), Technical University of Munich (Germany), Queen's University (Canada), University of Bremen (Germany), NYU Tandon School of Engineering (USA), Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen (Netherlands), NeuroImaging and Surgical Technologies Lab (Canada), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Concordia University (Canada), Imperial College (UK), Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing MEVIS (Germany), Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin (Germany), University of Magdeburg (Germany), German Cancer Research Center - DKFZ (Germany), ICM Brain & Spine Institute (France), Federico II di Napoli (Italy), Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School (USA), Geneva University Hospitals (Switzerland), Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). 5 companies attended the event: Isomics Inc., (USA), SINTEF (Norway), Kitware Inc., (USA), Ziegler Consult SAS (France), Open Connections GmbH (Germany). A summary of all past Project Events.

Welcome to the web page for the 25th Project Week!

It is a pleasure to announce that the 25th Project week will be held in Catanzaro Lido (Calabria, Italy) on June 26-30, 2017. This is the first time in Italy for the Slicer Community, and the event is organized in cooperation with ImagEngLab. Catanzaro Lido is a city on the Ionian Sea, in the middle of Squillace Gulf where, according to the ancient legend, Odysseus started his journey back to Ithaca. Of course bring your swimsuit...the conference room and the hotel are 20 meters far away from the beach!

This project week is an event endorsed by the MICCAI society.

Please make sure that you are on the NA-MIC Project Week mailing list.

Local Organizing Committee


  • Dates: June 26-30, 2017. Details in the calendar below.
  • Location: Perla del Porto Hotel. Booking. Subject line: "Slicer Summer Project Week 2017". Special rates: Single room, full bed, 79 € per night (1 person)/ Single room, queen bed 89 € per night (1 person)/ Double room, queen bed 99 € per night (2 people)/Triple room, 110 € (3 people)
  • Registration: To register please visit this page
  • Registration Fee: 320€ and it includes lunches, coffee breaks and airport connections
  • Hotel: Perla del Porto Hotel. The closest airport is Lamezia Terme Airport (IATA: SUF).
  • Transportation from Airport to Hotel: Your registration fee includes ground transportation to/from the hotel and airport. Please fill out this form to request transportation
  • Local points of interest (pubs, restaurants, bar): map (constantly updated)


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iCal (.ics) link:

Breakout Sessions


Please duplicate this template to create a page for your project. 

Please put a brief preliminary title for your project here with some names in parenthesis for potential team members

Deep Learning Applications

  1. CNN for Needle Segmentation from MRI Images
  2. CNN for Multi-plane Prostate Segmentation
  3. CNN for PseudoCT Generation from T1/T2 MRI
  4. Breast Segmentation in DCE-MRI via Deep Learning Approaches

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

  1. Improving Depth Perception in Interventional Augmented Reality Visualization/Sonification
  2. Next Generation of Volume Rendering in VTK
  3. Intra-operative Deformable Registration Based on Dense Point Cloud Reconstruction for Augmented Reality in Laproscopic Surgery

Navigating Ultrasound

  1. Tracked Ultrasound Standardization IV: Controlling US Acquisition
  2. Segmentation for Improving Image Registration of Preoperative MRI with Intraoperative Ultrasound Images for Neuro-navigation


  1. DICOM for Quantitative Imaging and Integration with Processing Applications
  2. Conversion of DICOM Single Frame MR to Enhanced Multiframe
  3. DICOM Segmentation Support for Cornerstone/ OHIF Viewer

Chest Image Processing

  1. SlicerCIP: Tool for Quantitative Analysis of Bronchiectasis
  2. SlicerCIP: Tool for Creation of Reports for Quantitive Analysis


  1. Interactive Manipulation of Plots and Graphs
  2. Internationalizing Slicer Modules
  3. Interfacing Slicer to Mobile Phone-controlled Sensors
  4. Slicer and 3D Printing
  5. Multimodal, Multiresolution, Multivolume Data
  6. Human-Computer Interaction under Sterile Conditions

Applications Smorgasbord

  1. Steerable Catheters Path Planner Extension for Brain Surgery Applications
  2. Slice-to-Volume Registration to Support MRI Guided Interventions
  3. Surgical Planning In Stereotaxy
  4. Slicer SALT Validation: Spatiotemporal Modeling of Subcortical Structures
  5. Kinematic Analysis of the Wrist from Dynamic MRI
  6. External Beam Planning


Do not add your name to this list - it is maintained by the organizers based on your paid registration.  To register, visit this registration site.
  1. Kikinis, Ron :: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
  2. Pieper, Steve :: Isomics Inc., USA
  3. Kapur, Tina :: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
  4. Spadea, Maria Francesca :: Magna Graecia University, Italy
  5. Zaffino, Paolo :: Magna Graecia University, Italy
  6. Scaramuzzino, Salvatore :: Magna Graecia University/ASL Vercelli, Italy
  7. Pileggi, Giampaolo :: Magna Graecia University, Italy/German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany
  8. Rackerseder, Julia :: Technical University of Munich, Germany
  9. Pinter, Csaba :: Queen's University, Canada
  10. Kraß, Scheherazade :: University of Bremen, Germany
  11. Gerig, Guido :: NYU Tandon School of Engineering, USA
  12. Punzo, Davide :: Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  13. Drouin, Simon :: NeuroImaging and Surgical Technologies (NIST) Lab, Canada
  14. Lasso, Andras :: School of Computing, Queen's University, Canada
  15. Favaro, Alberto :: Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  16. Leger, Etienne :: Concordia University, Canada
  17. Ziegler, Erik :: Ziegler Consult SAS
  18. Onken, Michael :: Open Connections GmbH, Germany
  19. Pinzi, Marlene :: Imperial College, UK
  20. Nitsch, Jennifer :: University of Bremen, Germany
  21. Moccia, Sara :: Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  22. Black, David :: Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing MEVIS, Bremen, Germany
  23. Penzkofer, Tobias :: Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
  24. Hansen, Christian :: University of Magdeburg, Germany
  25. Vegard Solberg, Ole :: SINTEF, Norway
  26. Heinrich, Florian :: University of Magdeburg, Germany
  27. Mewes, André :: University of Magdeburg, Germany
  28. Hatscher, Benjamin :: University of Magdeburg, Germany
  29. Hettig, Julian :: University of Magdeburg, Germany
  30. Meyer, Anneke :: University of Magdeburg, Germany
  31. Gulamhussene, Gino :: University of Magdeburg, Germany
  32. Cassetta, Roberto :: Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
  33. Fillion-Robin, Jean-Christophe :: Kitware Inc., USA
  34. Metzger, Jasmin :: German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany
  35. Fishbaugh, James :: NYU Tandon School of Engineering, USA
  36. Nolden, Marco :: German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany
  37. Nehrkorn, Jorge Quintero :: Canary Islands, Spain
  38. Perez Garcia, Fernando :: ICM Brain & Spine Institute, Paris, France
  39. De Momi, Elena :: Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
  40. Piantadosi, Gabriele :: DIETI, Federico II di Napoli, Italy
  41. Pernelle, Guillaume :: Imperial College, UK
  42. San Jose, Raul :: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
  43. Nardelli, Pietro :: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
  44. Fernandez Vidal, Sara :: ICM Brain & Spine Institute, Paris, France
  45. Sharp, Gregory :: Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
  46. Moiraghi, Alessandro :: Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland
  47. Seco, Joao :: German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany
  48. Pumar Carreras, Nayra :: Canary Islands, Spain
  49. Afonso Suarez, Maria Dolores :: Canary Islands, Spain
  50. Alzola Ruiz, Juan :: Canary Islands, Spain
  51. Pujol, Sonia :: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA